Some of the above mentioned activities I continue to this day. However, I am officially retired from the National Weather Service, and have not kept current with the science of meteorology.
This is my personal web site to be used to experiment with web design and provide an outlet for my creative energies. At times, it will not look pretty.
I've been retired from the National Weather Service since 2004, after having served a combined 34 years of government service, the first twelve of which were in the U.S. Air Force. My National Weather Service career took me from Idaho, to Montana, and finally to Nevada. I started out as a weather observer, which in government terms is a meteorological technician, and worked my way to Lead Forecaster and Warning Coordination Meteorologist. I even attended graduate school, studying atmospheric science, courtesy of the National Weather Service and the Federal Government.
Living in central Montana were the most enjoyable years of my career. Mainly for the activities I was able to pursue outside of work, although the work was also very satisfying. The opportunities to hike and camp in areas where few people traveled were amazing. I had never before seen such beautiful scenery as that found in the mountains and plains of Montana.
Since retirement I have found time to pursue my interests, whatever they may be at the time. I continue to enjoy hiking, camping, and skiing. But, have also developed a keen interest in sailing.
If this web site interests you, and you would like me to work on a design for you contact me through Critical Solutions, LLC